Volunteering, my birthday wish

/ October 5, 2019/ Holistic Nutrition, Yoga/ 1 comments

Volunteering is a great way to cultivate compassionate love for our fellow beings. Providing opportunities to understand someone else’s situation, to care, and to show kindness. Actively contribute to the kind of community you want to live in.

In Canada. I learned to give back to my community. A friend of mine taught me about compassion and volunteering for causes that she felt passionate about in order to give back and make a better world.

I started volunteering at the Ride for heart. Since I was riding, I worked at the registration table prior to event day. I soon realized that with a little encouragement people that came to register without pledges were willing to donate. Many didn’t  realize it was a fundraising event. Everybody was nice and they treat us to lunch and snacks!

When you volunteer, you learn to work without attachment to reward. Simply to offer your skills and time. Although the material perks of volunteering in no way match your effort, they show appreciation for your work and that also adds to a feeling of gratitude.  “Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless.” – Sherry Anderson

I also learned many new skills as organizations are willing to teach you. Learning keeps you active and opens up new aspects and discover abilities that you might not know you had.

Today, I am grateful that I am in a position where I have the time and the means to volunteer so I support several organizations for diverse reasons.  Throughout this support I enjoy the same lifestyle with the icing on the cake of feeling valued. Plus I have collection of cool T-shirts…

My birthday wish is that you make some time and volunteer at an organization that feel strongly about. I like to inspire you to add volunteering to your life and feel valued and grateful. It is such a great feeling.

Here are some of the ones I support:

  • Food bank. Because in this beautiful country of ours, very close to us there is some one that suffering from food insecurity.
  • Revue Cinema. Because they support community and may worthy causes.
  • Tafelmusik Orchestra. Because they bring the joy of music to everyone.
  • Fall for Dance North. Because they bring the world of dance to everyone.
  • TIFF. Because they bring films to light that raise awareness and share the magic of cinema with everyone. As an organization they are an example of inclusiveness and promote change.

I thank you with all my heart! and leave you with this quote:

“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.” – Elizabeth Andrew

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1 Comment

  1. OMG Amyris! I was just thinking about volunteering 5 min ago! No kidding!
    Hope you’re well!

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