Having the opportunity to enjoy wonderful foods is something precious that not everyone has. Let’s help so that no one goes hungry this Thanksgiving season!
Another turn around the sun finds us in an unprecedented situation that brings many lessons for us to learn. One of them is that we all have the power to heal and we can all pour this healing vibes into the world.
Volunteering is a great way to cultivate compassionate love for our fellow beings. Providing opportunities to understand someone else’s situation, to care, and to show kindness. Actively contribute to the kind of community you want to live in.
Practicing gratefulness helped me a lot during my healing journey from chronic pain. Now more than ever, gratefulness brings a lot of joy into my life and helps me deal with the difficulties and suffering that comes my way.
Another turn around the sun, finds me bursting with gratitude for all the blessings and insights received this year. One of them being that our world needs more love and that it starts with ourselves.
Since my visit to the Himalayan Institute and discovering the breakthrough that we are granted additional power and blessings in our birth day, it is now a custom of mine to take advantage of it. This year, my birthday wish it to support Anuttara and the work they do.
In energy medicine class, I was told there are no coincidences. Just synchronicity. So I guess is no coincidence that the Mindfulness Summit is happening on my birthday month.
This morning when I woke up, I went through the list of things that I am grateful for and thank the universe for another year full of blessings. When I asked myself what I wanted for my birthday, the thought that immediately came to mind was peace for my birthplace!