Speaking of climate action and hope

/ November 18, 2016/ Holistic Nutrition/ 0 comments

Just seems like climate change and the environment is a lot in the news, in our minds… Are you like me wondering what can we do? can we really help? is it hopeless?

Last October, I participated in an interactive art project organized by the Blue Dot movement at Queens Park, Toronto. We requested to the prime minister of Ontario an amendment to our constitution to include our right for healthy a environment!

Elder Garry Sault from the Mississauga of New Credit First Nation opened up the morning with a traditional acknowledgment of the land:

“I give thanks to my creator
I need that balance
so that I can share the earth
with all the beings that are here”

He spoke with a bit of sadness about the changes in the land that he witnessed. He said the treaties they signed was to share the land and the resources … ” We all have to share the same air, the same water, we should also share the same responsibility!”.  20161018 David Suzuki

David Suzuki’s words were quite shocking to me… He joined the environmental movement in 1962 and today, we are still fighting the same battles… He sounded full of hope and renewed energy when he spoke about this new initiative. Getting our right to a healthy environment in the constitution. A right to clean air, water, soil, food, energy and biodiversity!

In an economy where we need money to buy what we want rather than what we need… the environment doesn’t have a place. We must realize that our  health and our well being is dependent our surrounding air, water, and soil.

bluedot interactive art project

We all had fun participating in the art project. We wrote our hopes in a leave and then post in in a map of the world made by the artist Ilona Valcov with re-purposed cardboard! 

“I hope love will sweep the world – love of Earth and all her creatures.” David Suzuki.

I also learned that morning, 1 out of 3 Canadians lives in a community that has signed on Blue Dot. Yours truly included. However, I have not done much until that day… the words they spoke stirred and rekindle a desire to do more.

20161106 Eco fair at the WEFC table

As the universe will have it, I was invited to join the table of the West End Food-coop at the EcoFair! I brought some brews of Cooling beauty, Cleansing beuty, Stress-free beauty, and Meditating beauty for sale. I got really great feedback about the taste and comments about the cold brew saving energy and loose leaves saving on waste! Best of all ran into customers of WEFC that already knew my herbal beauties…

I am the voice of climate change and hope

Last week, I joined the 1 million women campaign #IMTHEVOICE of climate action and hope. It was fun interacting with other people with the same interest in social media. Better yet, great source of inspiration.

All in all, I had fun and become more hopeful … You can do it too! Love to hear what you all end up doing!

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