Practicing self-love

/ February 14, 2019/ Holistic Nutrition, Yoga/ 0 comments

I am in the mood for love… are you? Whether you celebrate romantic love or friendship today, consider devoting some time to practice self-love.

The Buddha said this:

“The object of your practice should first of all be yourself. Your love for other, your ability to love another person, depends on your ability to love yourself.”

To be able to care and love another person, we have to start by accepting ourselves and taking care of ourselves. It is also a lot easier!

The practice of meditation allows us to come back to ourselves and restore peace, harmony. With daily  practice, transformation happens and we can  truly care for ourselves and accept ourselves leaving pain behind.

To help us regain a little bit of calm, a little bit of compassion, a little bit of peace and joy towards this practice, I invite to find a quiet space, seat confortable and listen to the Guided meditation for self-love from Ramdesh Kaur:

​My heart, I love you
My body, I love you
My mind, I love you

I forgive myself for any thoughts or words I have made about myself which were unkind
and I release any emotional attachment to the unkind words others have said to me
I forgive myself for anything that needs to be forgiven

I recognize my own beauty
I believe in myself and in my dreams
I am bountiful 
I am beautiful 
I am blissful 
I am
I am at peace
I am home
I am loved
I rest on the light of this truth.

Happy Valentine to everyone!


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