Mantra meditation
Chanting a mantra is a very powerful tool to develop concentration and meditation for beginners or experienced meditators alike.
Just like to share some ideas and concepts I gathered in preparation for my classes. Bare in mind that I am simplifying a lot and this post is merely a basic introduction to raise some awareness and may be lead you into this wonderful practice.
What is a mantra?
Mantra comes from two Sanskrit words. Manas which means mind and Tra which means to protect from to free from. So mantra is a tool to liberate you from your mind!
A mantra is also a vibrational formula or set of sacred sounds that helps elevate the energy in us and around us. It atunes your mind to higher frequency.
What is chanting?
Singing or reciting a mantra repeatedly to develop concentration and meditation.
Chanting helps to lengthen the exhalation so it shares that with pranayama. It exercises the chest, lungs, and and vocal chords.
Mantra meditation
Dr. Vasant Lad has this beautiful and clear definition:
When sound, breath, and awareness come together, it becomes light.
We start the meditation resting our attention on our breath. Then we start feeling the mantra along with the breath silently or aloud (chanting). Our breath become a vibration that generates light.
The mantra meditation leads to the union of our individual consciousness with the universal one.
Here are some steps I found helpful when practicing mantra meditation:
- Found a comfortable seating posture and still the body
- Become aware of your breath, your natural breath
- Relax your body systematically
- Take 3 deep breaths
- Rest your attention on your chosen mantra in silence or aloud
OM mantra
Many of you might be familiar already with this mantra. It is recited at the beginning and end of many yoga classes and meditations.
OM is the most sacred and primordial sound. The most basic, natural, and comprehensive sound. Some said is the sound of the vibration of the universe and all creation.
It is pronounced AUM. The A is the root of the sound without touching your palate. The U rolls to the end of the sounding board of your mouth and the M is the last sound closing your lips.
The repetition of the OM mantra stills the mind and one becomes aware of the divine reality. Help us to controls our moods despite external interference.
When your mind is overwhelmed by fear or pain and you cannot think straight or meditate, take refuge in this powerful mantra!
Let me know how it goes with this practice…