Cleansing mantra
Spring is an excellent time to do cleansing! Are you devoting some time to body cleanses and exercises? What about the mind?
Yoga practice and meditation help tremendously in cleansing the mind. I posted in the past poses and mudras to help with detox. Recently, I find myself practicing a lot of pranayama and mantras for cleansing and get me out of this sluggish feeling. The benefits are priceless.
There are many mantras you can use. The important thing to keep in mind is to use one that helps you with letting go of anything that doesn’t serve you and make space for growth and transformation!
It may be hard to choose one… I love this one because it channels the energy of change and transformation. Shiva is a deity that represents both destruction and creation. Change cannot happen without them. Sometimes we have to destroy old habits to create new ones…
Om Namah Shivaya
(ॐ नमः शिवाय)
The most popular Hindu Mantra and the most important mantra in Shaivism. It means “O salutations to the auspicious one!”. Another interpretation is “I bow to the inner Self”.
Practice daily for five minutes or more as follows:
- Seat in a comfortable position with straight back.
- Close your eyes and rest your hands or your tights or using the detoxification mudra
- Start chanting the mantra using repetitions of 3, 9, 27, 54, or 108.
You can also practice chanting with the beautiful song from Russil Paul: