Black bean burgers
I went to a pub a few weeks ago in my hood just because of the Patio… it turned out they changed the menu. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I found black bean burgers!
So my congrats to The Swan for the new menu. This delicious burger was my inspiration for this recipe.
Black beans are an excellent source of molybdenum and a very good source of folate and dietary fiber. In addition, they are a good source of copper, manganese, vitamin B1, phosphorus, protein, magnesium, and iron. In regards to protein, a one cup serving of cooked black beans provides about 15g.
From The World Healthiest Foods”: “The almost magical protein-fiber combination in legumes—including black beans—explains important aspects of their health benefits for the digestive tract, the blood sugar regulatory system, and the cardiovascular system. Each area of systems benefit has a strong research basis.”
The same article says that recent research has shown that black beans provide special support for digestive tract health, and particularly our colon.
Not convinced yet of how good they are for you? try this recipe and maybe the taste will change your mind.
Black bean burgers
The combination of black beans and oats makes this burger a source of complete protein. The flax seeds makes a source of omega-3 fat. Look always for recipes that combine beans and grains or seeds for sources of complete protein.
You can use a combination of yellow and orange peppers in addition to the red. Do not bake longer in the oven as they become dry. You can cook on the stove as well. I just find the oven easier for a large batch.
You can prepare ahead of time and just heat up before serving. Although, I found them just fine at room temperature.
My favorite topping is some guacamole!